Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A reflection post from my study abroad experience

If you had told freshmen year fern to go study abroad, she would have said no without even hesitating. Why would I want to leave a place like Hawai’i? I have fallen in love with this island. Why would I want to leave such an amazing place? However, after spending my time abroad at James Cook University, Australia, I can honestly say that studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have made throughout my journey at HPU. I promise I’m not just saying this for the sake of a blog post. IT WAS TRUELY AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE. 

I started thinking about studying abroad towards the end of my sophomore year. It was when I felt really burnt out with classes and everything that was going on around me. I felt like nothing inspires me anymore and I don’t enjoy my classes as much as I used to. I got used to the island. I know the ins and outs of the school. I know where to go for the best poke, I know what time to go to Marukame to avoid the crazy line, or what to do when you’re walking on Fort st. by yourself at night. I’ve become so used to everything around me that I am just constantly moving from one thing to another until I just got really tired of it. 

Being abroad, in a totally new environment and surrounded by a whole different group of people, I became more aware of my surroundings. I took time to stop and admire things. I think that is one most beautiful thing about studying abroad. You get to start all over. I felt like I was a freshmen again. I’m learning about a new culture, a new campus, a new way of life. I became very excited and inspired. I was so eager to learn more and absorb all that this experience has to offer. It was so amazing. I think it’s a feeling that you need to be there to experience yourself. 

Now that I’m back in Hawai’i again, I’m still in love with this island don’t get me wrong. However, I think I came back with a very new mindset. Everything that was once boring and common is new once again. At certain points during my abroad semester, I got really homesick and I just couldn’t believe how much connected I have become to this rock in the middle of the ocean. I have realized how much I actually admired and appreciated the beauty in my surroundings. 

Studying abroad has certainly gave me a lesson that I will never experience inside a classroom. Exposing myself to new people and experiences have really shaped me into who I choose to be today. I know Hawai’i is awesome and it’s comfortable being in the same common place. You feel safe and it’s comforting to have things the same way. But, believe me and go out there. Go out and feel a little uncomfortable. You never know what lies ahead, but I’m sure you will gain a lot from it. 

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