Thursday, July 26, 2018

AUSTRALIA (Photo Post!!!)

I have so many amazing photos from the trip, but I condensed it down to what I'd argue are the coolest/best representative of where I spent my time studying abroad.  The different regions of Australia are all very different and unique, and this is where I had the opportunity to immerse myself!
Me and a Manta Ray in Coral Bay!

Quokkas are super sociable Aussie marsupials found on Rottnest Island  

Clear, cool waters perfect for snorkeling among the Ningaloo Reef
Sunset at Cape Peron

<-- Spanda arches in Perth

Aboriginal art sculpture (yes, the skies are really that clear and cloud-less pretty much always)

Wombat at Caversham Wildlife Park

Dusk from the Vlaming Head Lighthouse, Exmouth, WA

Kangaroos are very laid back, rather lazy animals that like to eat until they fall asleep

Quokka and its baby at Rottnest Island

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