Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Travel warnings for new travelers to Thailand and most of SEA (outside of campus)

Travel warnings for new travelers to Thailand and most of SEA (outside of campus): 

 - Don't expect nice toilets... or proper toilets at all in very "local" regions (MUIC has nice toilets don't you worry).
- Side note on the first tip: always pack wet wipes or T.P with you (you will thank me later).
- Buy hand sanitizer before your travels, I never saw any there. 
- 7/11's are amazing here. The coffee, the cheap snacks... love it.
- Bring US cash and exchange it here. Using your card results in a lot of extra fees. 
- For taxis use the app Grab, it has free cancelation so it is better than uber. It is usually cheaper than meter taxis, but you can try to bargain with the meter taxis too for long distances or in Bangkok where grabs will not be as available. 
- Don't pollute! Locals have a way of living that is less eco-conscious due to large amounts of tourism and there is trash EVERYWHERE in such beautiful places! it is tragic. Some tourists and locals saw me picking up trash on the beach on my way in and were very appreciative and some followed in my footsteps. 
- Sun is MUCH stronger here, and the heat is intense. Pack cotton, hats and non- toxic sunscreen (check for oxybenzone). side note: sunscreen takes 30 min to set so keep that in mind before it slides off into the ocean and you turn into a tomato. 
- You may go on aquatic adventures, I bid you please do not step on the reef. It will bite back, and it is immediately harmed when humans make physical contact, in many cases resulting in coral bleaching, aka it KILLS the reef! So spread the knowledge and keep the reef beautiful. 
- carry a personal lock for hostels and to lock the zippers on your bag. I have never had someone steal something while traveling, but it happens to the best of us, so stay aware and prepared. 

                     Enjoy Traveling! X

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