Wednesday, July 31, 2024

3 Weeks in Spain

Landing in Sevilla, I was greeted by warm, golden sunlight and a welcoming atmosphere. The drive to my housing was picturesque, with narrow streets lined with orange trees and historical buildings that told stories of the past. My host mother was a sweet older woman who became like family. During these three weeks that I lived with her, I felt safe, happy, and at peace. I was extremely appreciative of the delicious food, the heartfelt conversations, and her kindness, patience, and humor. Señora genuinely brought a smile to my face every day!

Weekend excursions were a highlight of my trip. Throughout my time abroad, I was able to travel to Barcelona and Lisbon, Portugal as well to truly maximize my experience. I loved Sevilla, but getting the experience to travel to other places was the experience of a lifetime. Classes were held at a local university, a short bus or train ride from my homestay. They were challenging but engaging, taught by passionate professors who encouraged us to immerse ourselves in the culture. Each day in Sevilla was a new adventure. Mornings started with a stroll to a local café for café con leche. Classes took up a significant part of my day but were balanced with exploration. Afternoons were spent visiting the Parque de María Luisa adjacent to the Plaza de España, getting gelato or relaxing by the Guadalquivir River.

I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity I had in Sevilla. It was a transformative experience, and I do believe it will DEFINITELY stand out on my résumé and in future applications. Returning to the States after my time in Europe has been an eye-opening experience. I never fully realized how much growing and changing happened until I got home. I grew a newfound sense of confidence, independence, and self-assurance in Europe. I learned to navigate unfamiliar environments, adapt to new cultural norms, and communicate more effectively in Spanish. These experiences pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop a stronger sense of self and resilience. I also gained lifelong friendships with the other girls in the program! 

Since returning, I've felt a strong longing to go back. Life here doesn't feel the same, and I miss the excitement and growth I experienced in Seville. This has motivated me to explore opportunities for employment and graduate school abroad. I'm particularly interested in finding a way to return to Spain when I graduate in May 2025, as the experience with GlobalEd has profoundly shaped my aspirations and worldview.

Suggestions/Advice to Future Study Abroad Students

  1. Embrace the Culture: Dive into local customs and traditions. It will enhance your experience and help you feel more connected.
  2. Learn the Language: Even basic Spanish will go a long way in making daily interactions smoother.
  3. Be Open-Minded: Expect and embrace differences. They are what make the experience unique and enriching.

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