Wednesday, July 31, 2024

3 Weeks in Spain

Landing in Sevilla, I was greeted by warm, golden sunlight and a welcoming atmosphere. The drive to my housing was picturesque, with narrow streets lined with orange trees and historical buildings that told stories of the past. My host mother was a sweet older woman who became like family. During these three weeks that I lived with her, I felt safe, happy, and at peace. I was extremely appreciative of the delicious food, the heartfelt conversations, and her kindness, patience, and humor. Señora genuinely brought a smile to my face every day!

Weekend excursions were a highlight of my trip. Throughout my time abroad, I was able to travel to Barcelona and Lisbon, Portugal as well to truly maximize my experience. I loved Sevilla, but getting the experience to travel to other places was the experience of a lifetime. Classes were held at a local university, a short bus or train ride from my homestay. They were challenging but engaging, taught by passionate professors who encouraged us to immerse ourselves in the culture. Each day in Sevilla was a new adventure. Mornings started with a stroll to a local café for café con leche. Classes took up a significant part of my day but were balanced with exploration. Afternoons were spent visiting the Parque de María Luisa adjacent to the Plaza de España, getting gelato or relaxing by the Guadalquivir River.

I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity I had in Sevilla. It was a transformative experience, and I do believe it will DEFINITELY stand out on my résumé and in future applications. Returning to the States after my time in Europe has been an eye-opening experience. I never fully realized how much growing and changing happened until I got home. I grew a newfound sense of confidence, independence, and self-assurance in Europe. I learned to navigate unfamiliar environments, adapt to new cultural norms, and communicate more effectively in Spanish. These experiences pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop a stronger sense of self and resilience. I also gained lifelong friendships with the other girls in the program! 

Since returning, I've felt a strong longing to go back. Life here doesn't feel the same, and I miss the excitement and growth I experienced in Seville. This has motivated me to explore opportunities for employment and graduate school abroad. I'm particularly interested in finding a way to return to Spain when I graduate in May 2025, as the experience with GlobalEd has profoundly shaped my aspirations and worldview.

Suggestions/Advice to Future Study Abroad Students

  1. Embrace the Culture: Dive into local customs and traditions. It will enhance your experience and help you feel more connected.
  2. Learn the Language: Even basic Spanish will go a long way in making daily interactions smoother.
  3. Be Open-Minded: Expect and embrace differences. They are what make the experience unique and enriching.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Interning in Sevilla (and other things I've done while here!)

Hey! My name is Kyle and I’m doing the GlobalEd Abroad 2+2 Medical Internship program in Sevilla, Spain. I’m here for a month doing a Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course followed by two weeks of interning at a hospital. I didn’t know what to really expect or look forward to when I signed up for this program, but it’s been incredibly exciting and I want to share all about it what I've done for anyone interested in this kind of thing. I'll begin with my program/s day to day.


I started my first two weeks with my PHTLS training. Every day we’d start by discussing EMT theory and then do practice scenarios, either with a training dummy or one of us playing a victim. In a group of three, one person would be the “leader” and direct the situations, ranging from cardiac arrest to car accidents to even a multi-step earthquake extraction. We’d arrive on scene, do our multi-step assessments, and provide the on-site emergency care. At times, it proved to be stressful and I was definitely pushed in ways I couldn’t have even fathomed before. Still, this was the kind of training and preparedness I’ve wanted for years and I believe I’ve come out more confident and better for it. This training would run from about 9am to 5pm Mondays through Thursdays, leaving the remainder of the days and the long weekends open for whatever we wanted.


Part two of my program here in Spain includes two weeks of hospital rotations, which I'm currently in the process of. I’ve finished one week so far and I’m thoroughly enjoying it! I’m interning at Vithas Hospital, a private hospital with a lot of different departments. My shifts go from 9am to around 1:30pm, depending on the doctor I’m with and the caseload of the day. So far, I’ve done two days in pediatrics, one in the ICU and one in the ER, as well as one day in the adult ER, so I’ve seen a wide range in my small snapshot of hospital life. It’s incredible seeing patients come in and get assessed by these doctors with years of experience, then to hear the thought processes behind everything discussed. I also got to visit the NICU ward twice, which I really enjoyed. I came into this experience primarily interested in cardiology, but now I’ve found a budding interest in pediatrics. I’m unsure what to expect for my remaining few days, but I know that I’ll learn and see a lot. I may even have the opportunity to watch a heart surgery, which is exciting as that’s one of the things that struck up my interest in healthcare in the first place. Unfortunately I don't have pictures out of respect to privacy.

Extracurricular Activities

My newfound friends and I would spend our nights trying different tapas bars around Sevilla. And with or without them, I was going out for ice cream pretty much every single night. So if anyone needs recommendations, I have an amazing list and I am more than willing to share. I also took full advantage of my weekends off to travel to a couple of the other beautiful cities in Spain. 


Our first excursion was to Italica, the ruins of an ancient Roman city. To backtrack, I found out something incredible on my first night with the other students: all three of us were Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon fans. Luckily for us, Spain is home to many of the filming sites used in the two shows. Italica was home to the Anfiteatro de Italica, the spot where the big families met in season 7 of GoT, so naturally we had to go!


Our other classmate managed to book us a private, guided tour of the city where we learned a lot of its Roman history, culture, and beautiful architecture. We ended the tour with the Amphitheater in all of its glory, where I unfortunately nerded out and took many pictures. 



That same weekend, a day later actually, we took a train to the city of Granada. One of the others had studied there before so we got our own sort of guided tour, hiking up to the Alhambra, an Islamic palace, walking around the city, and trying some of the best churros I’ve ever had in my life. I will say, if you end up going to the Alhambra, which I do very much recommend, wear shoes with good traction, as some of the steps were kind of slippery. We also went to an Irish pub later than night and watched one of the Eurocopa games, Netherlands vs Turkey. Let’s just say “rowdy” was a complete understatement. 


I went on two solo trips in the weeks after. One was a two-day trip to Ronda, a city with the most incredible bridge I’ve ever seen before. The Puente Nuevo is a gigantic bridge made of stone over 200 years ago, which is absolutely insane to me. There’s a canyon hike you can descend to get an amazing view of the gorge and bridge (I’ll attach a picture, but it’s something I think you need to see for yourself). Other places I explored were the Mondragon Palace, the Arab Baths, and the Museo Lara S.L. The palace and baths were cool to see, but they were ultimately a little small and over with soon. Not to discourage anyone from going to see them, of course, admission was very cheap, but I think that the real prize was the museum. There were centuries of Spanish history on display, as well as a basement full of witchcraft and terrifying medieval torture exhibits. Skin crawling stuff, but fascinating in its own right. 


The other self trip I went on was a simple day trip to Cadiz yesterday. I’ll be honest, as a student living in Hawaii, going to a beach town was not high on my list of travel priorities. However, one of my friends studied here in Spain before me and said that I absolutely had to visit. In all honesty, I saw where he was coming from. Cadiz has a HUGE stretch of beach that you could spend an hour or two walking down and the water is so incredibly clear. I didn’t even make it all the way down before I realized I had to turn back to make my return train (but that’s a result of train delays and planning a short trip). Would I say it’s a must-see in Spain? No, but it wouldn’t be a waste of your time, either. 

Program Provided

I’ve talked a lot about my travels outside of Sevilla, but I should also mention that my program has had a lot of activities for us to do within the city. We started the entire trip off with a horse and carriage ride through the city followed by a tapas dinner to try a couple of Spanish foods. There was also a boat tour, a flamenco show, and a visit to the top of Las Setas, a giant wooden structure that I learnt was actually the largest one in the world! But that’s not all. We also had an ice cream social, another night doing a tapas crawl, and coming up, a paella cooking class that I’m very much looking forward to.

View of Sevilla from Las Setas

Long story short, there’s no shortage of things to do here in or around Sevilla. A lot of activities and travel are actually on the cheaper end if you know where to look/book, and I say if you can do it, open yourself up to the experiences. You'll thank yourself for it in the years to come.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Destinations While Abroad in Australia

Hey everyone, 

I'm excited to share my incredible travel experiences from my time studying abroad in Australia. During this unforgettable journey, I had the opportunity to explore not only Australia but also nearby countries. I worked to save up for these adventures and it was absolutely worth it. I highly encourage anyone studying abroad to prioritize travel because it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

Rather than writing a separate blog post for each destination, I've decided to compile my favorite places along with some insider recommendations and cost-saving tips. Let's dive in!


Located in NSW, Australia, I had the opportunity to explore Sydney through a tour my housing program set us up with. As part of the Semester in Australia experience, all participants were offered professionally organized trips with a knowledgeable guide and we were given the itinerary beforehand. During the Sydney trip, I met over half the students attending Griffith for the semester in SIA, making it an unforgettable experience. The cost was surprisingly affordable given the amount of activities we enjoyed. It was honestly a relief not having to plan these trips myself in an entirely new country.

On our first day, we walked from our hostel to the Sydney Opera House, soaking in the city's vibrant atmosphere. The next adventure took us on a ferry ride to Manly Island, where we spent time relaxing on the beach and walking around. Our itinerary also included a visit to the breathtaking Blue Mountains National Park, where we were treated to spectacular views. On that very day, we had the chance to explore Featherdale Wildlife Sanctuary, encountering a diverse array of native Australian animals and even feeding kangaroos.


This excursion was also organized through SIA housing, and I opted to go before the university term began to minimize missed classes. Joining me on this adventure were my friends from Hawaii and it turned out to be an unforgettable experience. One of the highlights was a full day spent diving at the Great Barrier Reef, immersing ourselves in its stunning underwater world. On another day, we explored the rainforest with a guide showing us picturesque waterfalls and scenic spots, reminding me a little bit of  Hawaii. This was only about a two-hour flight from Gold Coast and very cheap considering everything we got to do. 


Me and my roommates planned this trip because it was only an hour train ride from Gold Coast making it super easy to do a weekend trip. We ended up renting a car so we could drive just outside of Brisbane to Sunshine Coast, where the Australia Zoo is located. This was the best zoo I have ever been to because all the animals had large areas to explore and you could just tell they were happy. 

Ended up renting scooters to ride around the city of Brisbane which I highly recommend and it wasn't too expensive. Also if you have time make sure you watch an AFL game or Rugby match while you are in the city.


Out of all the trips I went on I think Bali was my favorite. It's unlike any other country I've visited, offering incredible sights and experiences. Some of the girls I met through SIA housing and I planned this week-long adventure ourselves, and it exceeded all expectations. Every day was packed with activities that I thoroughly enjoyed, from visiting the Monkey Temple and exploring rice terraces to chasing waterfalls and venturing to Nusa Penida Island. It was a journey filled with unforgettable moments and new discoveries at every turn.

What's particularly great about Bali is how affordable everything is. The food is delicious, and accommodations are incredibly budget-friendly when shared among a group. While flights to Bali were among the pricier ones I've taken, the destination more than makes up for it once you arrive. Getting around using the Grab app was convenient and cost-effective, eliminating the need to rent a car. The flight from Brisbane was about six hours, but time flies when you're looking forward to such an amazing destination!

New Zealand (South Island) 

This trip was truly an adventure of a lifetime. My friends and I made an itinerary that involved navigating a camper van across New Zealand over six days. Initially nerve-wracking, especially since we were driving on the left side of the road and handling such a large vehicle for the first time, but we managed without a scratch. Focusing mainly on the South Island, we opted to skip Auckland, flying into Christchurch from Brisbane instead making a quick three-hour flight.

This was definitely our most expensive trip because even though a van seemed like the cheaper option it still ended up being pretty pricy. Well worth it though because of the breathtaking hikes in untouched landscapes, enhancing New Zealand's natural beauty. As we worked our way south to Queenstown from Christchurch we stayed at amazing campsites where the stars were incredible. Once we reached Queenstown we explored the cool town and did nearby hikes. We also drove the furthest point south so we could do the Milford sound tour, which we ended up seeing dolphins so definitely worth the drive. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Housing on the Gold Coast, Australia

 Hi Everyone,

    My name is Kaylyn Dosch and I just finished up my sophomore year at Griffith University in the Gold Coast of Australia. As I said in my last blog this experience is truly life-changing and an amazing experience. For this blog, I want to talk about housing and everyday life in the Gold Coast. 

    I specifically lived in the Broadbeach area and it was the perfect mix of beach life, early morning workouts, sunrises, outdoor activities, and an inclusive community. Broadbeach is known for its friendly and welcoming community. It is a very laid-back lifestyle with a focus on work-life balance and enjoying the natural surroundings. Fitness is also very centered in most people's lifestyle who live in the area. There is a variety of food options close by. It is also walking distance to 2 different malls. You are also close to popular spots such as Surfers Paradise which is known for its nightlife. 

     I found housing through SIA, which is a company that does housing specifically for American students going to Australia and takes care of most of the things. My apartment specifically provided towels, bedding, and weekly cleanings which was super convenient to not have to worry about getting. 

The link to the housing website is:

    My Broadbeach apartment was located less than a 2-minute walk from the beach. Where you can spend time relaxing on the sand, swimming, or surfing. It is also right next to many parks where you can relax and do homework or workout. 

    Broadbeach is also known for its various events and festivals that happen throughout the year. My favorite is the farmers market that happens every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month. It has a wide range of fruits, veggies, clothes, food, etc. Other events include music festivals, food events, and cultural celebrations. 

    The tram to Griffith Campus is a bit on the longer side, which was about 30 minutes. I only had classes on campus 2 times a week so it was not too bad for me personally and I loved Broadbeach so it was well worth it.

    The Gold Coast is also known as the Sunshine State because of the warmer climate all year round. Even in peak winter, the afternoons are quite warm. The Gold Coast also has a wide range of activities such as sports, hiking, and walks along the beach.


    I would HIGHLY recommend going through SIA and the Broadbeach area! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me any questions!

Traveling while Studying in Australia

 Hello everyone,

My name is Kaylyn Dosch and I just finished up my sophomore year at Griffith University in the Gold Coast of Australia. It was truly life-changing and an amazing experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested. I specifically lived in the Broadbeach area and it was the perfect mix of beach life, early morning workouts, sunrises, outdoor activities, and an inclusive community. You are also close to popular spots such as Surfers Paradise which is known for its nightlife. I found housing through SIA, which I will talk about in my next blog, but for this blog specifically, I wanted to talk about traveling in Australia!

Australia is super diverse; from the beautiful beaches, the reefs, the rainforest, and the outback. I think it is so worth putting a little extra money aside to explore all it has to offer! You can find cheap tickets for weekend trips through Jetstar and Qunatus. They are super strict with bags and other things, but they are the cheapest flights. Not only does Australia have a lot to offer, but you are super close to so many other beautiful countries such as New Zealand (I really recommend going), Indonesia, Fiji, etc. 

My favorite places that I visited in Australia were Cairns, Whitsundays, and Noosa. My friends really loved Tasmania, but it was June, so it was winter there and it was a bit too cold for me lol. The Gold Coast I would say didn't really get cold in the peak of winter (June), except for early in the morning.  

The Great Barrier Reef is found in both Cairns and Whitsundays which is such an amazing experience! For traveling to Cairns I used a company that my housing suggested which was so worth it. It books your whole trip from the hostel, the tours, and other activities.

The name is G’day Australia Travel which I highly recommend!

The next place that I would recommend is Sydney. For Sydney I went with my housing program SIA and met everyone that I would be living with at the apartment complexes which was amazing and ended up being who I traveled around with. Sydney is a super diverse city and has a lot to offer! My personal favorite thing was the zoo. You get to see and experience all the different animals of Australia!

Noosa is a quiet surfing town with amazing views and scenery. It is an amazing place to relax and just soak up the sun. I took the tram to get there and where me and some friends booked an Airbnb. 

I also visited Bali, Indonesia before leaving for Australia and it was an amazing experience. It is a bit of a flight from Australia (6 hours), but if you were to fly from Hawaii it would be about 18 hours. If you plan ahead you can also find super cheap flights here and once you get to Bali everything is super cheap. Most nice and full meals are at a MAX $10.

Lastly, one of my favorite places was New Zealand! Me and a few friends went for our Reading Week (Like our winter break) and explored both islands. It is truly jaw-dropping views and something that feels surreal. We booked through Jetstar and then rented a car to travel through New Zealand to see the most that we could. We booked hostels to sleep in at night.

Overall, I think it is important to make the most of your time in Australia and explore while you are there. Time flies by and you will be wishing you had more time in the end! Make sure to soak it up and most importantly don’t forget you are still there for school so make sure to keep your grades up and be involved in activities.