Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pura Vida en Costa Rica

I have been in Costa Rica for about 5 weeks now, sorry I am late on posting, but I did not have too many thoughts when I arrived. Nothing seemed different. I did not realize I was in another country until about week 3. When I arrived at my home stay I knew I was no longer in Kansas. The house is not the most extravagant, but my Mama Tica was really sweet. She is a short elderly lady with the most pleasant smile and warm hugs. The house is two stories, but her son and grandchildren live upstairs. There are three bedrooms and one shared bathroom downstairs. The kitchen is a nice size and there is a courtyard where clothes are washed, as well as where the dog (Happy) resides. I immediately realized that I did not remember as much Spanish as I thought and I had not taken it in a while. The program states that we do not need to have taken Spanish before arriving, but it does help because my Mama Tica speaks no English.
It was a little uncomfortable because my roommate had not arrived and I was only able to speak Spanglish. However, my roommate was advanced in Spanish. So after she arrived things were a lot easier because I understood more than I spoke. We did not spend more than hour or two speaking at dinner because we were tired from our flights.

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