Monday, September 9, 2024

London Spring: Some things you need to know

 Hi everyone!

It has been a minute but I wanted to come on here and share a little more about my second, and final, semester in London. Again, my name is Hope and I spent the last year studying abroad in London!

It has now been well over four months since I got back on the island and it has given me a lot of time to put together some things for you all. I would like to send a disclaimer that this is not going to be the most positive post but I hope it will help you in making your decisions!

Is Spring in London worth it?

Honestly, I would say it depends. I'm not going to lie and say that it was all terrible, because there were really good moments in my second semester, but there were other factors that made it not the most ideal situation. Also, these factors were mostly on me so if you catch these early on it would probably be better for you.

╰┈➤ There is no real "Spring" in London 

Now this might be controversial depending on where you are in the US, and maybe this is just because I grew up on island, but Spring doesn't really start until April-May (and saying April is really me being generous). Some days you would get lucky and the sun would come out for an hour or two but mostly it stayed winter weather almost my entire second semester there. Which would be good for those of that like that sort of weather but for everyone else, it is a big thing to consider when choosing what semester you would head out there.


On the left were most days and on the right was literally the last day of April. I kid you not when I say this was the first couple of days of Spring.

╰┈➤ It's kind of dull 

Due to the lack of holidays and celebrations during this time of year, compared to the Fall/Winter semester, London wasn't that exciting. There weren't that many events or fairs going on during the spring, like Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park or any of the Christmas Markets. Even all of the markets were sort of empty due to the constant rainy and windy
weather so if you planned to try and do something they were limited to indoor activities. Which can be equally as fun, you just need to find your niche!


As you can see we did what we could but usually stuff was indoors and for a fee, and that plus transportation wasn't the most ideal.

╰┈➤  Classes 

This was my view most weekends :(

Now this is where I messed up big time. During my second semester, I took a media production class, not only that I took a photojournalism class as well. A huge part of this is because the school that I was going to messed up my schedule and I had to choose something available, which wasn't a lot. However, if you are going abroad and are there for a limited amount of time DO NOT choose a class that involves a camera. Unless that is what you're passionate about and you don't mind most of your time being consumed by editing or camerawork, you're just going to find yourself missing out on all of your time to explore!

Now, I don't mean to tell you this to push you off from studying abroad because there were so many incredible things I got to do during this semester too (which will be my next post!). However, it is important to know some of the things that I either wasn't aware of or didn't understand just how much of an impact they would have. I'm sure I would've had a more amazing time if I wasn't in certain classes and had more free time. So just take this with a grain of salt, your experience is up to you!!

Anyways, if you have anymore questions please feel free to let me know @/whenhopemeetsworld on ig would probably be best!! 

Thank youu :)) 

*ೃ༄  Hope